Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Writing Activities for Winter

Winter brings out various preferences in students, many can’t wait to go ice skating and some can’t wait to head south. These strong feelings toward the winter make effective yet exciting writing material. You can improve your writing skills by describing how the season affects you, or how it feels. It is exciting to reveal your winter writing activities to your friends or family, so you can easily find out whether your winter thoughts resonate with other people.
Jot down your own feelings about the season. Explain how it feels, giving details about the discomfort, excitement, or physical sensations. You might select an emotional thought instead, describing the readers why you love or dislike cold season and how you manage those feelings.
When it comes to winter food, express in writing why you love a specific food, how it makes you feel good in winter and how it pleases you when are cold and want to heat up. Try to make it persuasive that readers want to have this winter food themselves. In fact, it is a fun exercise that associates your feelings with physical explanation.
Write about cold weather sports like skiing, snowboarding, skating. Choose your favorite sport and explain it on the paper. Let your readers know how it feels to play. Discuss the thrill, excitement and the fear and try to convince readers to perform the sporting activity.
Winter dreams are one of the fun writing assignments for cold season. If you are at work, do you want to do skating? If you are freezing cold, would you like to go for skiing? This is an opportunity to let your imagination flow and share your winter desire.
Describing the weather is another fun activity to practice your writing skills. If it is raining, describe what comes about as the building and trees get wet. If it is snowing, talk about the light and temperature. You can also write about the sunny day, using ingenious vocabulary to let readers know how it feels and looks outside.